
Anzu supports GitHub as an auth provider. You can enable GitHub as an auth provider in the Anzu dashboard and users will be able to sign in with their GitHub account.

Getting Started

Head over to the Anzu dashboard, go to User Management and expand GitHub in the Auth Providers section. There, you will see two inputs for the Client ID and Client Secret of your GitHub OAuth application. We will obtain these in the next step. Keep the dashboard open, as we will need it again later.

Configuring GitHub as an auth provider

  • Go to GitHub
  • Enter your product name for the Application name field
  • Enter your homepage URL for the Homepage URL field
  • Enter the redirect URI displayed in the GitHub settings of the User Management settings in the Anzu dashboard (visible in the previous step) for the Authorization callback URL field
  • Click Register application
  • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the OAuth application you just created and paste them into the corresponding fields in the Anzu dashboard
    • The Client Secret can be obtained by clicking Generate a new client secret in the GitHub settings of the OAuth application you just created